Ben Griggs

Ben (Braxwolf) cut his teeth on the Atari 2600 (no really, that sucker felt great on the gums) but in recent years expanded his love of gaming into content production. He's contributed to several MMO sites and blogs, including his own blog and podcast. A fan of Bethesda's single-player games, Ben will be living in Tamriel for the foreseeable future, contributing to Massively OP's weekly ESO feature Tamriel Infinium

Personal Blog: Gaming Conversations
Podcast:Beyond Bossfights

MMO Burnout: Mass Effect’s Legendary Edition modernizes a classic

Most MMO players will admit to feeling the need to step away from the multiplayer genre from time to time. This seems especially true...

Why I Play: Black Matter’s shooter Hell Let Loose scratches my RTS itch

I’ve been playing multiplayer shooters since I discovered DOOM 2’s dialup modem DOS commands, and it’s a genre I find myself returning to every...

From the Depths: Five things to love about World of Warships

I guess it’s time to admit it: After nearly three years of daily play, I have no choice but to come to terms with...

From the Depths: ‘Free-to-play’ World of Warships is an expensive journey

When I first started playing MMO’s back in 2012, the hot debate of the time was subscription vs. free-to-play business models. Over the last...

A huge star just ruptured in EVE Online in the lead-up to the Uprising expansion

EVE Online is bringing in the forthcoming Uprising expansion with a bang, quite literally. According to CCP's event lore, the Amarr empire placed experimental transmuter...

World of Warships officially adds submarines for early access

The tale of submarines in World of Warships is a long and twisted affair. According to Wargaming Publishing Director for Americas Artur Plociennik, players...

Stick and Rudder: Venturing into EVE Online’s nullsec

EVE Online is a game that offers many experiences, from NPC faction warfare to harvesting, refining, and building to market speculation. But the one...

Stick and Rudder: ‘Robin Hood’ scammer claims he robbed rich EVE Online corp of $100 billion ISK

EVE Online is a game that will certainly go down in MMO history as one of the most fascinating studies on human behavior to...

Stick and Rudder: So you’ve completed the EVE Online tutorial – now what?

Since rejoining the player ranks of EVE Online, I’ve noticed a common sentiment from fellow newbies: Most agree that the environment is beautiful, the...

Stick and Rudder: Giving EVE Online another shot

I’m not really sure how to break this to you, dear reader, so I’ll just come out and say it. Oh rats, you already...

From the Depths: Fun World of Warships warships that actually existed

When World of Warships launched in 2015, the historical significance of the many ships researchable and purchasable within the game was taken into heavy...

Tamriel Infinium: The Elder Scrolls Online’s High Isle brings new story, new lands, and a new card game to Tamriel

It’s spring. The birds are chirping, the pollen is flying, and a young person’s thoughts turn to another major chapter release for The Elder...

Lord of the Rings actor Billy Boyd joins The Elder Scrolls Online cast for High Isle

Iconic actor Billy Boyd is slated to join the cast of The Elder Scrolls Online in the upcoming High Isle chapter. Boyd is a...
Well... huh.

From the Depths: Everything we know about Wargaming’s exit from Russia

Mixing gaming and politics is rough. Think back to the Blitzchung fiasco for Blizzard back in 2019. Or when Daybreak was (and then wasn’t)...

Stick and Rudder: Revisiting 12-year-old MMO Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online is an MMO released during the height of the “let’s grab an existing IP and make it into an MMO” craze...
A lad.

Wargaming pledges aid to Ukrainian Red Cross, sacks pro-invasion developer

Politics can be a touchy subject, especially for a global company whose customers represent many diverse viewpoints. However, neutrality on the current state of...

From the Depths: Checking up on World of Warships’ community promises

Wargaming’s World of Warships had its share of controversies in 2021, some of which led to the resignation of many of its most prolific...

Not So Massively: Shadow of War plays fast and loose but hits the mark

Like many of you, I suspect, I have myriad games in my backlog. These neglected titles were typically obtained on sale at a point...

Elder Scrolls Online just announced the High Isle chapter and Legacy of the Bretons arc

During this afternoon's big reveal stream, ZeniMax Online Studios announced The Elder Scrolls Online's major content update for this year's Legacy of the Bretons year-long...

The Elder Scrolls Online teases 2022 release theme with mysterious clues

Yesterday, streamers, podcasters, YouTubers, and lowly game journalists began receiving a suspicious package teasing the next year-long theme for The Elder Scrolls Online. The...