
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Lord of the Rings Online’s newest raid delayed and punted back to the test realm

It's been a very long wait indeed for cutting-edge players in Lord of the Rings Online as they've bided time for new endgame content....

Torchlight Infinite will finally launch globally May 9 with the Cube of Rapacity season

XD Games is finally gearing up to move multiplayer crossplatform OARPG Torchlight Infinite from open beta early access - where it's been since last...
Look how they massacred my boy.

Guild Wars 2 previews next week’s ‘outliers’ balance update

Lock up your kids and your spouses because Guild Wars 2 is moseying into town for another class balance showdown -- and there's no...

Mabinogi adds new signets for high-tier weapons and gives away sparkly scooters for its 15th anniversary

You would think an MMO hitting the 15-year mark would be cause for a bigger celebration, but Mabinogi elected to go low-key for its...

Black Desert revamps the trading lifeskill for its console edition

The virtual economy is the lifeblood of sandboxes like Black Desert, so when Pearl Abyss puts a trading skill revamp front and center in...
Oh, awesome.

Neopets brings back the Festival of Neggs with quests, tarot cards, and item rewards all through April

Neopets is not a game that frequently pings on our radar - the last time it did it was being hacked and was staring...

Star Citizen releases alpha 3.18.2 as players express surprise at a partial wipe and outline several build bugs

Yesterday saw another Star Citizen patch go live as alpha 3.18.2 hit the PU with nothing more in its notes beyond "general stability and...

Overwatch 2 is fighting cheaters, fixing matchmaking, and saving Lifeweaver

Overwatch 2 has kicked out multiple dev blogs this week, and they touch on matters that are likely important to a vast swath of...
Something less than inspiring.

Star Wars The Old Republic previews several class balance adjustments coming in Update 7.3

Another major update is looming on the horizon of Star Wars: The Old Republic, and it's bringing with it a variety of balance tweaks...

City of Titans shares its work in Unreal Engine 5, promises to open up access to a larger map soon

It's time yet again for us to circle back around to City of Titans and see where this developing MMORPG is headed, and it...

Lord of the Rings Online celebrates 16 years of adventure with a fireworks goat mount

Raise a pint of ale, for Lord of the Rings Online is 16 years old! Or rather, it will be as of Monday! The...

Neverwinter adjusts companions and items, fixes a milestone rewards error, and helps a lost kobold

There is a kobold in Neverwinter's Menzoberranzan. It's just before a final boss fight in the Whispers in the Dark quest. It was apparently...

DC Universe Online releases Episode 45 Shock to the System to PC and all consoles today

It's been held back for a week, but at last players of DC Universe Online can experience a Shock to the System today, as...

Frozen Flame’s survival mode moves from open beta to early access beta

Did you miss the open beta build of the early access build of Frozen Flame? You don't have to worry about that because the...

Embers Adrift offers a running QA tally of fixes, promises another free weekend and more advertising soon

Just in case you forgot, Embers Adrift has been running an ongoing forum post that shares Stormhaven Studios' homework. Specifically, the thread offers a...

Black Desert PC makes a long list of improvements to the Archer class and ramps up treasure drops

If you play the Archer in Black Desert on PC, then this newest patch is pretty much just for you, as it introduces a...

Albion Online begins testing Knightfall midseason patch tomorrow – with WASD movement

Yesterday, Sandbox Interactive dropped patch notes for Albion Online Knightfall midseason patch, and it's a doozy with a long list of tweaks. When the...

Four Winds: The Artist has become my favorite support class in Lost Ark

Here's a thought experiment: How would have Anakin Skywalker turned out if he had grown up on planet covered in paint rather than coarse,...
Cool out.

World of Warcraft prepares more UI improvements and Diablo IV events

There's a whole lot coming with World of Warcraft's Update 10.1 early next month, but buried under all of the big ticket items will...

Lost Ark aims to spend 2023 reducing grind and improving the newbie and catch-up experience

Lost Ark has been live in the west over a year now, giving Amazon and Smilegate the opportunity to reflect on how far the...