Mad World’s early bird release sees bugs, cash shop currency delays, and emergency maintenance


Last week saw the “hell-made” multiplayer ARPG Mad World kick off its launch for those who bought in to the game ahead of its planned April 27th launch. Naturally, that means it’s time to see how Jandisoft handled itself over the past few days, and the answer might not instill a whole lot of confidence in those waiting for the game.

The Korean studio has been putting together a list of known issues over the past weekend, which details weird Russian and English text displaying, a healing skill that’s not actually healing characters, and perhaps more worryingly, players not getting the cash shop currency they purchased. And while that issue was reportedly resolved, players on the official Discord are still reporting the problem persists in some cases.

The ARPG has also entered emergency maintenance a couple of times to address bugs and improve server stability, while bug reports are still flowing through the Discord’s general discussion channel, including a full-on PC crash for one player, the inability to remove junk items for another, and some loading errors. Overall, this is looking like a pretty bumpy ride for those who bought in.

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