EVE Fanfest 2022: EVE Online is getting a Spanish client


EVE Online has been an intensely international game throughout its lifetime, with significant audiences across the US, Europe, and Russia. Most players are stuck using the English client, however, as the few localisations the game does have have often been poorly done according to native speakers. We learned back in 2019 that Russian players actually used the English client and had even developed their own shorthand and slang based on the English names for ships.

At EVE Fanfest 2022 today, developers confirmed that a Spanish client is now finally on the way. Spanish players have been asking for an official translation in recent years on Reddit, the Steam community forums, and the official EVE Online forums. This follows the recent relaunch in Japan, the Chinese relaunch in 2020, and the development of a new Korean client after the company was acquired by South Korean publisher Pearl Abyss.

Spanish was the most requested language and an obvious choice for expanding the game into new regions. The Spanish localisation will be opening in beta soon, with full release planned for later this year. It’s hoped that the Spanish client will help improve the game’s player numbers, which have been slowly trending downward recently.

MassivelyOP is on the ground at EVE Fanfest 2022, the first in-person event since CCP paused Fanfest in 2020 thanks to COVID. If you have any questions about EVE Online or CCP Games, put them in the comments and we’ll do our best to get some answers during the event.

Disclosure: In accordance with Massively OP’s ethics policy, we must disclose that CCP paid for our writer’s travel to and accommodation at this event. CCP has neither requested nor been granted any control or influence over our coverage of the event. I’m baaaaaack!

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